Thursday, January 2, 2014

What To Expect

You know I loathe expectations, right?

Time has exposed them to be set-ups for disappointment. Punishments for self, usually for the less than ideal actions of others. An insanity to inflict upon self. So what do I do but create a wildly lofty set of goals for 2014... 

I'll say it again. I loathe expectations. My intent is always to keep them low, so the good things seem great and the bad things are unsurprising. It's my brain in constant defensive mode, loving and protecting my little heart so vigilantly. 

But here's the key, folks. This set of expectations, goals, resolutions if you must, are solely within my own power. Barring some great shift of the world as I know it, accomplishing them requires little to no assistance. 

Don't get me wrong. I'd love my friends to support and help me, and I am quite sure that they will. But, save one goal, I don't need them. And this is the fact that makes me sure of myself. That I will accomplish the goals set and, dare I say it, exceed a few. 

Speaking of exceeding. I have a suspicion there are a few folks out there with few, or many, doubts as to my ability to accomplish these goals. Out of no malicious intent, just intelligent, healthy, good old American skepticism. If I were on the outside looking in, I would probably be skeptical too. But I'm not and I look forward to exceeding their expectations as well. 

I know where we are. The second day of a new year and it's easy to remain focused and goal-oriented. I'm no fool; I know it will be hard. But I have a secret weapon to success. The goals I have set aren't just some temporary 2014 resolutions. These are the things I want in the rhythm of my life. Habits and practices that will fully incorporate into my day-to-day and will maintain for the foreseeable future. Setting the high goals is just my way of giving myself a kickstart. 

This year, these goals, are about shaping me more into the person I want to be. More accurately, making the outer me, the perception I give off, match the inner me. And maybe this year will have the added benefit of stopping me from being my biggest critic and turn me into my own cheerleader instead. 

I'm ready. Are you?

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